Duff Goldman's new
cookbook teaches kids
to bake like a pro.
uff Goldman knows better
than anyone that kids can
do incredible things in
the kitchen. In eight seasons
judging and hosting Kids Baking
Championship, he has seen
contestants as young as 9
tackle tricky macarons and
towering Napoleons. So
when he started writing
a kids baking book, Duff
didn't take the easy way
out. "I wanted recipes that
would really challenge and
excite them," he says. In
Super Good Baking for Kids,
he encourages young chefs to
measure by weight, as professional
bakers do, and to attempt not-so-
basic projects like churros, pies and
pate a chaux. Some of the recipes,
like Rainbow Unicorn Brownies,
are inspired by kids on the show,
and others are just Duff favorites,
like chocolate cream pie. "There's
nothing that sounds more delicious
than those three words!" Duff says.
Turn the page for the recipe.