Copy of How I Saved Zeus

(Shifty) #1

I was sitting on the side of the couch with Erebus when he said “We’ve got a
problem. There seems to be some sort of unnatural heat coming from Libya” he looked
up and added “You know the desert nearby.”. “Oh yeah.” I responded and started to get
my shoes on.

We were on the car driving to Libya to find out what was happening when
Dimitrus suddenly opened his window. “Guys what's that?” he asked, pointing outside at
a circle of what looked like glaciers. “I don't know, let's go find out though because that
looks like where the heat is coming from.” Erebus responded and turned to start driving
towards the circle of ice rocks. Once we got a bit closer I could see something standing
in the center of the rocks. “What's that-” I said but stopped when the car suddenly came
to a stop. “Why’d you stop?” Demeter said voicing what all of us were thinking. “I
didn't!” Erebus responded looking back at her.
Suddenly the car went flying up. We were about twenty feet in the air when I
yelled “Everyone okay?!”. “I guess so but-” Hermes started but stopped when the car
started tipping in midair. “Hold on!” I yelled to no one in particular. We all clung on to
anything we could to avoid not falling. Me and Erebus turned to look at eachother and
saw each other's wings jogging our memories that we had wings. We flew out of the car
and went hurriedly to help the others. I helped down Demeter, Hera, And Tyche while
Erebus helped Demitrus and Hermes. We all landed safely on the ground, the car still
floating in the air sideways. I looked at the circle of stones and immediately saw what
had caused the car to do that. There was a boy in a black cloak staring at me and I
realized who he was instantly.
It was time for the last battle.

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