Copy of How I Saved Zeus

(Shifty) #1

We all grabbed our weapons and started slowly walking toward Ares. Then we
ran at him. Demitrus was the first one to get there because he was faster. He took a
swing at Ares with his machete but when he did so Ares hit back faster with a knife that
looked like it was made of flame. Demitrus fell to the ground and Hermes ran to protect
him. He blocked Ares’s sword with his own. “You want him, you have to get through
me.” He said angrily gritting his teeth.
But, Ares was stronger still. He pushed Down Hermes and I and then Erebus
decided it was time for his turn. Right before he was about to get the final blow at
Hermes and Demetrius and I, Erebos ran and blocked him. “Well if it isn't the little
princess’s bodyguard” He snarled. “Yep thats me!” He yelled back. “And I guess you're
scared of that little princess too, because you ran away!”. “I'm not scared of Her!” He
spit back. Their weapons slid away from each other and the fight really began. It was
like they had trained together they were so coordinated about knowing what the other
god was about to do. ​ God. ​It hit me. I could use my powers on him. I gave erebus a look
that said i could help and I stepped in to take over the fight. I took my scalthe, put the
sharp part behind Ares’s head and pulled him down. I pushed him down with my foot
and took his sword.
While I was taking it Ares pulled out a dagger and got Erebus in the leg. You
could see the dagger went all the way through. Erebus winced and cried out in agony.
Ares had just enough time to get up and seized his chance. He took Erebus down and
was pulling his sword back to deliver the last blow when I got up, put my scalthe around
his neck and pulled. I didn't stop until I heard the crack of multiple bones. I put down my
scalthe and helped Erebus up. After I wrapped up his leg and the other girls had helped
dimitrus and hermes we sat against the rocks. Then I realized I didn't know what Ares
looked like. I pulled back his hood to find out. I cried out in shock. It was the mean guy
from school. We had fought before. He set those girls on me. Erebus came up and said
“What's wrong?” He was limping. “I know him.” I said quietly. “He was the mean guy
who set those girls on me.”. “So he’s the one who let those girls hurt you?” Erebus
asked almost silently. “Yep that's him.”.
So we went home.

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