Copy of How I Saved Zeus

(Shifty) #1

I looked up at the board and tried to figure out 8 * 12. I looked around and saw
the other kids scribbling furiously at their papers. Mine, unlike theirs, was blank. I then
noticed a shadow looming over me. I looked up to see my new teacher. “If you don't
know the answer, then you can get started on the workbook I gave you before class.’
She said and walked away. I took the workbook out from my desk and flipped to the first
page. The words ​“All about me’ ​was the title and then there were a bunch of other
categories. I started with the first one.It wasn't that hard. Just simple questions like
what's your favorite color and all that mush.
The teacher came by a bit before school ended and said she wanted to see my
all about me page. I handed my book to her and she had this look on her face the entire
time and I couldn't tell what it was until she said "Well, I think it will be a very different
year for you this time Nyx.' She said clearly, choosing her words carefully.
By the time the day was over, I couldn't be more relieved. I was walking home
and noticed five men carrying a rather large crate. "What's that?' I asked them. "It's a
tiger kid, we're going to the zoo.' One of the men said. I definitely loved big cats but I
was really more of a leopard person. Well, that was until I looked into the cracks
between the boards and saw one of the tiger’s eyes. It was shivering like how a
person's eyes were if they had been crying. It was also a very light blue, so light-toned
that they were almost white. I know that this world does not like tigers or care about
them as much as the other dimensions’ worlds. We were dimension number 111. I knew
they had been treating this tiger bad just from the look in its eyes. Imagine how much
more it would need my help once I saw how it looked. This poor tiger probably had
scars. I decided I would go to the zoo the next day after school considering the zoo was
only a couple blocks away and it was on my route home.

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