Copy of How I Saved Zeus

(Shifty) #1

I stared at the clock. 3:14. We get out at 3:15. 5,4,3,2,1. Finally free, I jumped out
of my seat and ran out the door. I ran through the halls and was out of school before
anyone else. I slid down the railway so I didn’t waste time with the stairs. I ran as fast as
possible all the way to the zoo, paid my entrance fee of five bucks and ran all the way to
the tiger exhibit way in the corner without even stopping to take a breath.
It was the first time I had seen him in person.
His water bowl was murky brown and his enclosure was more like a cage.
He was chained to the ground.
I got up really close to the enclosure and he walked towards me and chuffed.
Chuffing is like a tigers meow but they do it when they are excited or greeting someone.
I was so mesmerized I stuck my hands through the metal fence. He walked up and put
his head in my hands and chuffed again. I rubbed his torn ears and pet his scarred face.
It was like love at first sight. I knew then that I had to get him out of there. “I promise I'll
get you out of here Zeus.’ I whispered to him. He looked up at me and when I saw his
light blue eyes...
I knew I had to keep my promise.
And I would.
I would do everything in my power to get him out of here.
“The zoo will be closing in five minutes, Will everyone please make their way to the
nearest exit.’ A voice said over the speaker. I looked again at Zeus. I put my hand up to
the glass part of the enclosure and he put his on the other side. “I’ll be back tomorrow
Zeus.’ I promised him and I walked away towards the exit not being able to walk ten feet
without turning back around and saying “I will be back i promise!’ and I knew I would
definitely keep that one

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