Australian Gourmet Traveller - (03)March 2019 (1)

(Comicgek) #1
Stir-fried okraSERVES 2
Okra, also known as ladies’ fingers, divides people – some love
it, and others hate it for its mucilaginous quality. Stir-frying it briefly,
however, means the okra is less slimy in texture, and it’s also fast
and delicious. Look for bright green pods with no blemishes and
tips that will snap off like fresh green beans.

Tomato and spring onion omeletteSERVES 2
There are hundreds of variations of this super-easy and popular
home-style dish. Add whatever ingredients you have to hand, but
the key is to keep it simple.

4 eggs
½ tbsp Shaoxing wine
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
Pinch of sugar
60 ml (¼ cup) vegetable oil
2 spring onions, thinly sliced,
some reserved to serve
1 large tomato, cut into thin
Thinly sliced long red chilli,
to serve
Oyster sauce or tomato
sauce, to serve

250 gm okra
2 tbsp vegetable oil
10 gm (2cm) ginger, finely
1 large garlic clove, finely
1 long red chilli, seeds
removed, thinly sliced
2 tbsp chicken stock or water
1 tbsp light soy sauce
¼ tsp caster sugar, or to taste
Coarsely chopped
coriander, to serve

1 Blanch okra in a large
saucepan of boiling salted
water until bright green and
crisp (10 seconds; see cook's
notes p152). Drain, refresh, then
drain well and pat dry with paper
towels. Trim and discard stems.
2 Heat a wok over high heat.
Add oil and swirl to coat. Add
ginger and stir-fry until fragrant
(30 seconds), then reduce heat
to medium, add garlic and
chilli and stir-fry until soft and
fragrant (1 minute).
3 Add stock, soy sauce and
sugar, bring to a simmer, then
add okra and toss to warm
through. Season to taste and
top with coriander to serve.

1 Whisk eggs, Shaoxing, soy
sauce, sesame oil and sugar
in a bowl with chopsticks or
a fork until well combined.
2 Heat a well-seasoned wok
or non-stick frying pan over
medium heat and add vegetable
oil. Add spring onion and stir
until soft but not coloured
(30 seconds to 1 minute),
then add tomato and stir until
softened (1-2 minutes). Add
egg mixture, increase heat to
high, and cook until edges
begin to set but centre is still
wobbly (1-2 minutes). Fold one
side over to the centre, then
the other, overlapping to form
an open-ended envelope.
Turn out, scatter with chilli and
reserved spring onion and serve
with oyster or tomato sauce.


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