Australian Gourmet Traveller - (04)April 2019 (1)

(Comicgek) #1

Chocolate mousse

with white chocolate

and corn flake



“I like a classic mousse, but there’s a bit
of a technique involved to make a good
one,” says Stanton. “Pâte à bombe
is the foundation here – it’s an
old-fashioned technique of adding hot
sugar syrup to beaten egg yolks to
cook them out – it comes in handy for
things like parfaits, ice-creams and
other flavoured mousses.” Start this
recipe a day ahead to set the mousse.

600 ml thickened cream
100 ml milk
400 gm dark chocolate
(55%-60% cocoa solids),
finely chopped
160 gm egg yolk (about 9 yolks)
190 gm caster sugar
Quartered figs and halved
strawberries, tossed in a
little icing sugar, to serve
100 gm (2½ cups) corn flakes,
coarsely crushed
100 gm white chocolate,
finely chopped

1 Whisk cream and milk in an
electric mixer until semi-whipped
(before soft peaks). Transfer
to a bowl and refrigerate until
required. Clean and dry mixer.
2 Melt dark chocolate in a
heatproofbowl over a saucepan
of simmering water, stirring
occasionally until smooth.
Keep warm.
3 Whisk egg yolk in an
electric mixer on high until
light and creamy (6-8 minutes).
Meanwhile, bring sugar and
60ml water to a simmer in
a small saucepan over medium
heat, stirring to dissolve sugar,

then simmer without stirring until
syrup reaches 120°C on a sugar
thermometer (6-8 minutes).
Reduce mixer speed to medium
and, with the motor running,
carefully pour in sugar syrup.
Increase speed to high and
whisk until cooled slightly
(5-6 minutes). Quickly whisk
melted chocolate into egg
mixture until just combined.
Add two large spoonfuls of
whipped cream, whisk to
loosen, then fold in remaining
cream. Transfer to a 2.5-litre
serving bowl and refrigerate
until set (3-4 hours).

4 Meanwhile, for corn flake and
white chocolate crumble, melt
chocolate in a heatproof bowl
over a saucepan of simmering
water, then stir until smooth.
Remove from heat, add corn
flakes, and stir through with
a wooden spoon, breaking up
corn flakes to a crumble-like
consistency. Spread onto a tray
lined with baking paper and
refrigerate until set (20 minutes).
Break into a coarse crumble.
5 Sprinkle corn flake crumble
over the mousse, and serve
topped with fruit.
Drink suggestion Whiskey.●
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