Australian Gourmet Traveller - (12)December 2019 (1)

(Comicgek) #1
Spinach and ricotta rotolo

This vibrant dish will thrill more than just the vegetarians at your
table. The pasta takes a little eort to prepare, but it’s worth it.

3 bunches English spinach,
washed and trimmed
800 gm firm ricotta
Handful of basil, finely
chopped, plus extra
leaves to serve
Handful of flat-leaf
parsley, finely chopped
50 gm parmesan, grated
150 ml vegetable stock
750 gm cherry truss tomatoes
or mixed small heirloom
1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
Shaved parmesan,
to serve
Butter, cooked until
nut-brown, for drizzling
300 gm “00” (2 cups) flour
3 eggs
Ÿ⁄¢ tsp extra-virgin olive oil,
plus extra for brushing

1 For pasta dough, mix
ingredients in an electric mixer
fitted with a dough hook on
medium speed until dough
comes together, then knead
until smooth and elastic
(5 minutes). Wrap and leave
to rest (20 minutes)
2 Cook wet spinach, in batches,
in a saucepan over high heat
until wilted. Drain in a colander
to cool, then squeeze to
remove any excess liquid
and refrigerate until required.
3 Divide pasta into 6 pieces,
then, working with one piece
at a time, feed through pasta
machine, starting at the widest
setting then reducing notch by
notch until 1.5mm thick. Blanch
sheets in a large saucepan
of boiling salted water until
al dente (1 minute; see cook’s
notes p176). Drain, refresh with

cold water, then drain again
and lightly brush with oil.
4 Combine cooled spinach,
ricotta and herbs. Season well.
5 Preheat oven to 180°C. Place
sheets of plastic wrap on the
bench. Lay pasta sheets on top,
overlapping slightly, to form a
70cm square. Spread ricotta
mixture over. Use the plastic to
roll up pasta to form a firm log,
peeling back wrap as you go.
Discard wrap. Trim edges. Cut
log into 9 pieces. Place in a
lightly greased 22cm x 30cm
baking dish. Pour stock around
rotolo and drizzle with olive oil.
Cover with baking paper, then
foil and bake until pasta is
tender (45 minutes to 1 hour).
Remove paper and foil, increase
oven to 220°C and bake until
golden (10-15 minutes).
6 Meanwhile, drizzle tomatoes
with oil and roast on an oven
tray until golden (15-20 minutes).
7 Top rotolo with tomatoes,
basil and parmesan, drizzle
over butter, and serve.


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