“The poaching of rhinos for their horns in South
Africa has seen more than 8,400 of these iconic
- and now endangered - animals killed in just
the last ten years. Care for Wild Rhino
Sanctuary was founded by Petronel Nieuwoudt
in 2011 with the goal of rescuing and
rehabilitating a range of wild animals, but she
quickly identified the need for a specialist
facility to focus on the orphaned and injured
babies often left behind when their mothers
were killed by poachers.
None of this is possible without the support
and protection of the local community. Our
sanctuary is located in Mpumalanga province,
an area of high unemployment and low
educational achievement. Already, we provide
valuable employment and training to many in
the area and in the long term Care for Wild
Rhino Sanctuary aims to become self-
sustaining through the creation of jobs and
enterprises both within the sanctuary and
surrounding communities. One such project
involves working with the local Lomshiyo
Signal Boost
community to regenerate abandoned
agricultural land to provide job security, income
and food, ultimately ensuring that those who
live nearby can see tangible benefits in
conserving the sanctuary and the rhinos.
All of this is only possible through
sponsorships and donations, and like many
such causes we have seen these diminish in the
current crisis.
Find out more
If you would like to help the survival of these iconic species and the economic
security of the communities around the reserve then please donate at
careforwild.co.za/donate or justgiving.com/careforwildrhinosanctuaryuk
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organisations to get their message out to a global audience, free of
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