Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

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The file function returns an entire file as an array. Each line of the file is a separate
element of the array, starting at zero. If it would be more convenient to work with the file
as one string, use the implode function, as I have in the following example. If you are
planning on sending a file directly to the browser, use readfile instead.

// open file
$myFile = file("data.txt");

//fold array elements into one string
$myFile = implode($myFile, "");

//print entire file

boolean file_exists(string filename)

The file_exists function returns TRUE if the specified file exists and FALSE if it does
not. This function is a nice way to avoid errors with the other file functions. The example
below tests that a file exists before trying to send it to the browser.

$filename = "data.txt";

//if the file exists, print it
print("'$filename' does not exist");

integer fileatime(string filename)

The fileatime function returns the last access time for a file in standard timestamp
format, the number of seconds since January 1, 1970. False is returned if there is an error.
A file is considered accessed if it is created, written, or read. Unlike some other file-
related functions, fileatime operates identically on Windows and UNIX.

Two other functions for getting timestamps associated with files are filectime and

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