Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

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$fp = fopen("log.txt", "a");

//get lock
flock($fp, 2);

//add a line to the log
fputs($fp, date("h:i A l F dS, Y\n"));

//release lock
flock($fp, 3);


//dump log


integer fopen(string filename, string mode)

The fopen function opens a file for reading or writing. The function expects the name of
a file and a mode. It returns an integer, which is called a file handle. Internally, PHP uses
this integer to reference a block of information about the open file. The file handle is used
by other file-related functions, such as fputs and fgets.

Ordinarily, the filename argument is a path to a file. It can be fully qualified, or relative
to the path of the script. If the filename begins with http:// or ftp://, the file will be
opened using HTTP or FTP protocol over the Internet.

Table 8.6. File Read/Write Modes
Mode Operations Allowed
r[b] reading only [binary]
w[b] writing only, create if necessary, discard previous contents if any [binary]
a[b] append to file, create if necessary, start writing at end of file [binary]

Reading and Writing to Files........................................................................

w+[b]reading and writing, create if necessary, discard previous contents if any
a+[b] reading and writing, create if necessary, start writing at end of file [binary]

The mode argument determines whether the file is to be read from, written to, or added to.
Modes with a plus sign (+) are update modes that allow both reading and writing. If the
letter b appears as the last part of the mode, the file is assumed to be a binary file, which
means no special meaning will be given to end-of-line characters. Table 8.6 lists all the

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