Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

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The posix_getsid function returns the process group ID of the session leader.

integer posix_getuid()

The posix_getuid function returns the user ID of the user executing the PHP engine.

boolean posix_isatty (integer descriptor)

The posix_isatty function returns TRUE if the given file descriptor is a TTY.

boolean posix_kill(integer process, integer signal)

The posix_kill function sends a signal to a process.

boolean posix_mkfifo(string path, integer mode)

The posix_mkfifo function creates a FIFO file. The mode argument follows the same
rules as chmod.

boolean posix_setgid(integer group)

Use posix_setgid to change the group for the current process. Only the root user may
switch groups.

integer posix_setpgid(integer process, integer group)

The posix_setpgid function sets the process group ID for a given process.

integer posix_setsid()

The posix_setsid function creates a session and returns the process groupID.

boolean posix_setuid(integer user)

Use posix_setuid to change the user for the current process. Only the root user may
change the user ID.

array posix_times()

The posix_times function returns an array of values on system clocks. The elements of
the array are cstime, cutime, stime, ticks, and utime.

foreach(posix_getrlimit() as $key=>$value)

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