Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

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matching the type of the argument being fetched. The func_num_args function returns
the number of arguments available.

Chapter 4, "Functions," discusses functions, including writing functions that accept an
unlimited number of arguments.

Function concat
Input: any number of strings
Output: string
Description: input strings are put together in
* order and returned as a single string.
function concat()
//start with empty string
$returnValue ="";

//loop over each argument
for($i=0; $i < func_num_args(); $i++)
//add current argument to return value
$returnValue .= func_get_arg($i);


//prints "OneTwoThree"
print(concat("One", "Two", "Three"). "

array func_get_args()

Use func_get_args to get an array containing all the arguments passed as arguments to
the function. The elements of the array will be indexed withintegers, starting with zero.
This provides an alternative to using func_get_arg and func_num_args.

Function gcd
Input: any number of integers
Output: integer
Description: Returns the greatest common
* denominator from the input.
function gcd()

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