Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

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integer get_magic_quotes_runtime()

The get_magic_quotes_runtime function returns the magicquotes runtime
directive setting, which controls whether quotes are escaped automatically in data
retrieved from databases. You can use set_magic_quotes_runtime to change its value.

if(get_magic_quotes_runtime() == 1)
print("magic_quotes_runtime is on");
print("magic_quotes_runtime is off");

string get_parent_class(object variable)

The get_parent_class function returns the name of the parent class for an object.

class animal
var $name;

class dog extends animal
var $owner;

$gus = new dog;
$gus->name = "Gus";
//Gus is of type dog, which is of type animal
print("$gus->name is of type ".
get_class($gus). ", which is of type ".
get_parent_class($gus). "BR>\n");

integer getlastmod()

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