Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

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the function will be called with the RUSAGE_CHILDREN constant. You may wish to read
the man page for more information.

//show CPU time used
$rusage = getrusage(1);
print($rusage["ru_utime.tv_sec"]. " seconds

boolean headers_sent()

The headers_sent function returns TRUE if HTTP headers have been sent. Headers must
precede any content, so executing a print statement or placing text outside PHP tags will
cause headers to be sent. Attempting to add headers to the stack after they're sent causes
an error.

print("Can't add more headers!BR>\n");
header("X-Debug: It's OK to send a header");

boolean leak(integer bytes)

The leak function purposely leaks memory. It is useful mostly for testing the garbage-
collecting routines of PHP itself. You might also use it to simulate lots of memory usage
if you were stress-testing.

//leak 8 megs

boolean method_exists(object variable, string method)

The method_exists function returns TRUE when the named method exists in the
specified object.

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