Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

(singke) #1

class animal
var $name;

class dog extends animal
var $owner;
function speak()

$gus = new dog;
$gus->name = "Gus";

if(method_exists($gus, "speak"))

openlog(string identifier, integer option, integer facility)

The openlog function begins a connection to the system log and calls C's openlog
function. It is not strictly required to call openlog before using syslog, but it may be
used to change the behavior of the syslog function. You may wish to refer to the man
page for openlog for more details. On Windows, emulation code is used to mimic UNIX

The identifier argument will be added to the beginning of any messages sent to the
system log. Usually this is the name of the process or task being performed.

The option argument is a bitfield that controls toggling of miscellaneous options. Use a
logical-or operator to combine the options you want. Table 8.10 lists the values available.
Only the LOG_PID option has any effect under Windows.

Table 8.10. openlog Options
Constant Description

LOG_PID (^) Add process identifier to each message.
LOG_CONS (^) If a message can't be sent to the log, send it to the system console.
LOG_ODELAY (^) Delay opening log until the first call to syslog. This is true by default.
LOG_NDELAY (^) Open the log immediately. Do not wait for first call to syslog.
LOG_NOWAIT (^) Do not wait for child processes. The use of this flag is discouraged.
LOG_PERROR (^) Log all messages to stderr as well.

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