string htmlspecialchars(string text)
The htmlspecialchars function works like htmlentities, except that a smaller
set of entities are used. They are amp, quot, lt, and gt.
$text = "Use to begin a document.";
integer ip2long(string address)
The ip2long function takes an IP address and returns an integer. This allows you to
compress a 16-byte string into a 4-byte integer. Use long2ip to reverse the process.
Table 9.5. HTML Entities
aacute eacute macr raquo
aacute eacute micro reg
acirc ecirc middot sect
acirc ecirc nbsp shy
acute egrave not sup1
aelig egrave ntilde sup2
aelig eth ntilde sup3
agrave eth oacute szlig
agrave euml oacute thorn
aring euml ocirc thorn
aring frac12 ocirc times
atilde frac14 ograve uacute
atilde frac34 ograve uacute
auml iacute ordf ucirc
auml iacute ordm ucirc
brvbar icirc oslash ugrave
ccedil icirc oslash ugrave
ccedil iexcl otilde uml
cedil igrave otilde uuml
cent igrave ouml uuml
copy iquest ouml yacute