Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

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boolean odbc_free_result(integer result)

Use odbc_free_result to free the memory associated with the result set. This is not
strictly necessary, but it's a good idea if you are worried about running out of memory. If
autocommit is disabled and you free a result set before calling odbc_commit, the
transaction will be rolled back.

// connect to database
$Connection = odbc_connect("store", "guest", "guest");

// execute query
$Query = "SELECT name, price ";
$Query .= "FROM catalog ";
$Result = odbc_do($Connection, $Query);

// free the result set


boolean odbc_longreadlen(integer result, integer length)

Use odbc_longreadlen to set the maximum length for values of any columns of type
long. This includes binary columns such as longvarbinary. By default the maximum
length is zero, which has the special meaning of causing fetched columns to be echoed to
the browser. Any other positive number will cause returned values to be truncated to the
specified length.

Note that it is not always apparent that a field is considered to be a long by the ODBC
driver. For example, a memo column in Microsoft Access is a long. Data appearing in the
wrong place are a sign of fetching a long where you didn't expect it. One strategy to
avoid these problems is to always call longreadlen.

See odbc_binmode for an example of use.

integer odbc_num_fields(integer result)

Use odbc_num_fields to find the number of fields in the result set.

// connect to database
$Connection = odbc_connect("store", "guest", "guest");

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