Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

(singke) #1


die("Unable to bind to `$dn'!");

// create entry
$entry["mail"][0]="[email protected]";
$entry["mail"][1]="[email protected]";
$entry["telephonenumber"] = "123-123-1234";
$entry["mobile"] = "123-123-1235";
$entry["pager"] = "123-123-1236";
$entry["o"] = "ACME Web Design";
$entry["title"] = "Vice President";
$entry["department"] = "Technology";

//create new entry's DN
$dn = "cn=John Smith, dc=php, dc=net";

//add entry
if(ldap_add($ldap, $dn, $entry))
print("Entry Added!\n");
print("Add failed!");

//close connection

boolean ldap_bind(integer link, string dn, string password)

Use ldap_bind to bind to a directory. Use the optional dn and password arguments
to identify yourself. Servers typically require authentication for any commands that
change the contents of the directory.

boolean ldap_close(integer link)

The ldap_close function closes the connection to the directory server.

integer ldap_connect(string host, integer port)

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