//create test data
$Name = "Leon Atkinson";
$Email = "[email protected]";
$Residence = "Martinez";
$Info = array("Email", "Residence");
//start packet
$wddx = wddx_packet_start("Core PHP Programming");
//add some variables to the packet
wddx_add_vars($wddx, "Name", $Info);
//create packet
$packet = wddx_packet_end($wddx);
//print packet for demonstration purposes
string wddx_serialize_value(value data, string comment)
The wddx_serialize_value function creates a WDDX packet containing a single
value. The data will be encoded with no name. The optional comment field will be added
to the packet as well.
print(wddx_serialize_value("Hello, World",
"An example from Core PHP Programming"));
string wddx_serialize_vars(string variable, ...)
Use wddx_serialize_vars to create a packet containing many variables. You may
specify any number of variable names in the local scope. Each argument may be a string
or an array. PHP will recursively explore multidimensional arrays for more names of
variables if necessary. A WDDX packet is returned.
//create test data