Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

(singke) #1

Depending on the type of site, you should choose some sort of diagram that shows the
subsystems and how they relate to each other. These are called entity relationship
diagrams. I almost always create a page-flow diagram. Each node in the graph is a page
as experienced by the user. Lines representing links connect the page to other pages on
the site. Another useful diagram is one that shows the relationship between database
tables. Nodes represent tables, and you may wish to list the fields inside boxes that stand
for the tables. Lines connect tables and show how fields match. It's also helpful to
indicate whether the relationship between the tables is one to one or one to many.

The next phase of design is interface specification. This defines how subsystems
communicate. It can be as simple as listing the URLs for each page. If the site has forms,
all the fields should be enumerated. If you are tracking user sessions, you will want to
specify how you will be doing this, with cookies or form variables. Define acceptable
values for the session identifier. If the site will be communicating with files or a database,
this phase will define names of files or login information for databases.

The largest part of a design document is a detailed description of how each module
works. At this point it's acceptable to specify exactly the method for implementing the
module. For example, you may specify that a list of catalog items be presented using the
UL tag. On the other hand, if it doesn't matter, I suggest leaving it out. The person writing
the actual code will probably have the best idea for solving the problem.

I suggest pursuing a style guide, which may be part of the design document or may stand
alone. This document specifies the style of the code in the project. You'll find an example
in Appendix G, but don't bother flipping there now. The style guide deals with issues
like how to name variables, or where to place curly braces. Many of these issues are
arbitrary. What's important is that a decision is made and followed. A large body of code
formatted according to a standard is easier to read.

For the rest of this chapter I'd like to present some design ideas you may choose to adopt.
PHP's dynamic nature allows for structural designs that can't be achieved in plain HTML.
It is a shame to waste this functionality by using PHP as a faster alternative to CGI. I
encourage you to consider using PHP as the engine that powers a completely dynamic
Web site.

Using CVS

CVS, Concurrent Versions System, is an open-source system that allows developers to
track all changes to a project. A central repository stores the files that make up the
project. Developers check out copies, modify them, and check them back in. The system
records all changes, which allows team members to check out any previous version of
any given file. The system also is able to merge differences if two developers make
independent changes to the same file.

In the context of project management, I have come to believe CVS is essential. It allows
developers to collaborate efficiently, even when they are in separate locations. Popular

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