At a Glance
You have finished the first week of learning how to program
in C++. By now, you should feel comfortable entering pro-
grams, using your compiler, and thinking about objects,
classes, and program flow.
Where You Are Going..........................................................................................
Week 2 begins with pointers. Pointers are traditionally a diffi-
cult subject for new C++ programmers, but you will find
them explained fully and clearly, and they should not be a
stumbling block. On Day 9, “Exploiting References,” you
will learn about references, which are a close cousin to point-
ers. On Day 10, “Working with Advanced Functions,” you
will see how to overload functions.
Day 11, “Object-Oriented Analysis and Design,” is a depar-
ture: Rather than focusing on the syntax of the language, you
will take a day out to learn about object-oriented analysis and
design. On Day 12, “Implementing Inheritance,” you will be
introduced to inheritance, a fundamental concept in object-
oriented programming. On Day 13, “Managing Arrays and
Strings,” you will learn how to work with arrays and collec-
tions. Day 14, “Polymorphism,” extends the lessons of Day
12 to discuss polymorphism.
WEEK 2 8
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