This book is designed to help you teach yourself how to program with C++. No one can
learn a serious programming language in just three weeks, but each of the lessons in this
book has been designed so that you can read the entire lesson in just a few hours on a
single day.
In just 21 days, you’ll learn about such fundamentals as managing input and output,
loops and arrays, object-oriented programming, templates, and creating C++
applications—all in well-structured and easy-to-follow lessons. Lessons provide sample
listings—complete with sample output and an analysis of the code—to illustrate the top-
ics of the day.
To help you become more proficient, each lesson ends with a set of common questions
and answers, a quiz, and exercises. You can check your progress by examining the quiz
and exercise answers provided in Appendix D, “Answers.”
Who Should Read This Book ..................................................................................
You don’t need any previous experience in programming to learn C++ with this book.
This book starts you from the beginning and teaches you both the language and the con-
cepts involved with programming C++. You’ll find the numerous examples of syntax and
detailed analysis of code an excellent guide as you begin your journey into this reward-
ing environment. Whether you are just beginning or already have some experience pro-
gramming, you will find that this book’s clear organization makes learning C++ fast and
Conventions Used in This Book ..............................................................................
These boxes provide additional information related to material you just
These boxes highlight information that can make your C++ programming
more efficient and effective.
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