At a Glance
As you prepare for your first week of learning how to pro-
gram in C++, you will need a few things: a compiler, an edi-
tor, and this book. If you don’t have a C++ compiler and an
editor, you can still use this book, but you won’t get as much
out of it as you would if you were to do the exercises.
The best way to learn to program is by writing programs! At
the end of each day, you will find a workshop containing a
quiz and some exercises. Be certain to take the time to answer
all the questions, and to evaluate your work as objectively as
you can. The later lessons build on what you learn in the ear-
lier days, so be certain you fully understand the material
before moving on.
A Note to C Programmers ......................................................................................
The material in the first five days will be familiar to you;
however, there are a few minor differences if you want to fol-
low the C++ standards. Be certain to skim the material and to
do the exercises, to ensure you are fully up to speed before
going on to Day 6, “Understanding Object-Oriented
Where You Are Going..............................................................................................
The first week covers the material you need to get started
with programming in general, and with C++ in particular. On
Day 1, “Getting Started,” and Day 2, “The Anatomy of a C++
Program,” you will be introduced to the basic concepts of
programming and program flow. On Day 3, “Working with
Variables and Constants,” you will learn about variables and
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