The compiler decides which method to call based on the number and type of parameters
entered. You can imagine a third overloaded function named DrawShape()that takes one
dimension and an enumeration for whether it is the width or height, at the user’s choice.
Using Default Values ..........................................................................................
Just as global functions can have one or more default values, so can each member func-
tion of a class. The same rules apply for declaring the default values, as illustrated in
Listing 10.2.
LISTING10.2 Using Default Values
1: //Listing 10.2 Default values in member functions
2: #include <iostream>
4: using namespace std;
6: // Rectangle class declaration
7: class Rectangle
8: {
9: public:
10: // constructors
11: Rectangle(int width, int height);
12: ~Rectangle(){}
13: void DrawShape(int aWidth, int aHeight,
14: bool UseCurrentVals = false) const;
16: private:
17: int itsWidth;
18: int itsHeight;
19: };
21: //Constructor implementation
22: Rectangle::Rectangle(int width, int height):
23: itsWidth(width), // initializations
24: itsHeight(height)
25: {} // empty body
28: // default values used for third parameter
29: void Rectangle::DrawShape(
30: int width,
31: int height,
32: bool UseCurrentValue
33: ) const
34: {
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