Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 349
The final piece of the requirements document is the visualization. The visualization is a
fancy name for the diagrams, pictures, screen shots, prototypes, and any other visual rep-
resentations created to help you think through and design the graphical user interface of
your product.
For many large projects, you can develop a full prototype to help you (and your cus-
tomers) understand how the system will behave. On some teams, the prototype becomes
the living requirements document; the “real” system is designed to implement the func-
tionality demonstrated in the prototype.
Artifacts ..........................................................................................................
At the end of each phase of analysis and design, you will create a series of documents
(often called “artifacts” or “deliverables”). Table 11.1 shows some of the artifacts of the
analysis phase. Several groups use these documents. The customer will use the docu-
ments to be certain that you understand what they need. End users will use them to give
feedback and guidance to the project. The project team will use them to design and
implement the code. Many of these documents also provide material crucial both to your
documentation team and to Quality Assurance to tell them how the system oughtto
TABLE11.1 Artifacts Created During the Analysis Stage of Project Development
Artifact Description
Use-case report Document detailing the use cases, scenarios,
stereotypes, preconditions, postconditions, and
Domain analysis Document and diagrams describing the relationships
among the domain objects
Analysis collaboration diagrams Collaboration diagrams describing interactions
among objects in the problem domain
The inclusion of “wiggle room” in your planning document is not an excuse
to avoid planning documents. It is merely a warning not to rely on them too
much early on. As the project goes forward, you’ll strengthen your under-
standing of how the system works, and your estimates will become increas-
ingly precise.