Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 369
- In regard to analysis, what is an actor?
- What is a use case?
- Which of the following is true?
a. A cat is a specialized form of animal.
b. Animal is a specialized form of cat and dog.
Exercises ........................................................................................................
- A computer system is made up of a number of pieces. These include a keyboard, a
mouse, a monitor, and a CPU. Draw a composition diagram to illustrate the rela-
tionship between the computer and its pieces. Hint:This is an aggregation. - Suppose you had to simulate the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Vassar
Street—two typical two-lane roads, with traffic lights and crosswalks. The purpose
of the simulation is to determine whether the timing of the traffic signal allows for
a smooth flow of traffic.
What kinds of objects should be modeled in the simulation? What would the
classes be for the simulation? - You are asked to design a group scheduler. The software enables you to arrange
meetings among individuals or groups and to reserve a limited number of confer-
ence rooms. Identify the principal subsystems. - Design and show the interfaces to the classes in the room reservation portion of the
program discussed in Exercise 3.