At a Glance
You have finished the second week of learning C++. By now,
you should feel comfortable with some of the more advanced
aspects of object-oriented programming, including encapsula-
tion and polymorphism.
Where You Are Going..........................................................................................
The last week begins with a discussion of static functions and
friends. Day 16 discusses advanced inheritance. On Day 17,
“Working with Streams,” you will learn about streams in
depth, and on Day 18, “Creating and Using Namespaces,”
you will learn how to work with this exciting addition to the
C++ Standard. On Day 19, “Templates,” you will be intro-
duced to templates, and on Day 20, “Handling Errors and
Exceptions,” you will learn about exceptions. Day 21,
“What’s Next,” the last day of this book, covers some miscel-
laneous subjects not covered elsewhere, followed by a discus-
sion of the next steps to take in becoming a C++ guru.
WEEK 3 15
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