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Working with Streams 621


%l longinteger
%ld double
%f float

Each of the conversion specifiers can also provide a width statement and a precision
statement, expressed as a float, where the digits to the left of the decimal are used for
the total width, and the digits to the right of the decimal provide the precision for floats.
Thus,%5dis the specifier for a 5-digit-wide integer, and %15.5fis the specifier for a 15-
digit-wide float, of which the final five digits are dedicated to the decimal portion.
Listing 17.15 illustrates various uses of printf().

LISTING17.15 Printing with printf()

0: //17.15 Printing with printf()
1: #include <stdio.h>
3: int main()
4: {
5: printf(“%s”,”hello world\n”);
7: char *phrase = “Hello again!\n”;
8: printf(“%s”,phrase);
10: int x = 5;
11: printf(“%d\n”,x);
13: char *phraseTwo = “Here’s some values: “;
14: char *phraseThree = “ and also these: “;
15: int y = 7, z = 35;
16: long longVar = 98456;
17: float floatVar = 8.8f;
19: printf(“%s %d %d”, phraseTwo, y, z);
20: printf(“%s %ld %f\n”,phraseThree,longVar,floatVar);
22: char *phraseFour = “Formatted: “;
23: printf(“%s %5d %10d %10.5f\n”,phraseFour,y,z,floatVar);
25: return 0;
26: }

TABLE17.2 continued

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