Answers 823
D Answers
Exercises ........................................................................................................
- The following is one possible answer:
1: #include
2: using namespace std;
3: int main()
4: {
5: cout << “I love C++\n”;
6: return 0;
7: } - The following program contains a main()function that does nothing. This is, how-
ever, a complete program that can be compiled, linked, and run. When run, it
appears that nothing happens because the program does nothing!
int main(){} - Line 4 is missing an opening quote for the string.
- The following is the corrected program:
1: #include
2: main()
3: {
4: std::cout << “Is there a bug here?”;
5: }
This listing prints the following to the screen:
Is there a bug here? - The following is one possible solution:
1: #include
2: int Add (int first, int second)
3: {
4: std::cout << “In Add(), received “ << first << “ and “ << second
➥<< “\n”;
5: return (first + second);
6: }
8: int Subtract (int first, int second)
9: {
10: std::cout << “In Subtract(), received “ << first << “ and “
➥<< second << “\n”;
11: return (first - second);
12: }
14: int main()
15: {
16: using std::cout;
17: using std::cin;
19: cout << “I’m in main()!\n”;
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