Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days

(singke) #1

  1. A meeting is defined as a group of people reserving a room for a certain amount of
    time. The person making the schedule might desire a specific room, or a specified
    time; however, the scheduler must always be told how long the meeting will last
    and who is required.
    The objects will probably include the users of the system as well as the conference
    rooms. Remember to include classes for the calendar, and perhaps a class Meeting
    that encapsulates all that is known about a particular event.
    The prototypes for the classes might include
    class Calendar_Class; // forward reference
    class Meeting; // forward reference
    class Configuration
    Meeting Schedule( ListOfPerson&,
    Delta Time duration );
    Meeting Schedule( ListOfPerson&,
    Delta Time duration, Time );
    Meeting Schedule( ListOfPerson&,
    Delta Time duration, Room );
    ListOfPerson& People(); // public accessors
    ListOfRoom& Rooms(); // public accessors
    ListOfRoom rooms;
    ListOfPerson people;
    typedef long Room_ID;
    class Room
    Room( String name, Room_ID id, int capacity,
    String directions = “”, String description = “” );
    Calendar_Class Calendar();

Calendar_Class calendar;
int capacity;
Room_ID id;
String name;
String directions; // where is this room?
String description;
typedef long Person_ID;
class Person

844 Appendix D

32 0672327112_app_d.qxd 11/19/04 12:30 PM Page 844

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