Food & Wine USA_The Italian Table 2019

(Comicgek) #1

  1. Use the right size pot
    and the right amount of
    water. When you don’t use
    enough water or don’t use a
    pot that is large enough for
    the amount of pasta that
    you’re making, when you add
    the pasta, the pasta will lower
    the temperature of the water
    too much. This increases
    the cook time and makes the
    pasta both gummy and
    especially starchy. Use a
    large pot with anywhere
    from four to six quarts of
    water to ensure the pasta
    cooks evenly.

  2. Salt the water. Plain pasta
    can be rather bland, but
    seasoning the water itself will
    make a huge difference with
    the finished dish. You want
    your pasta water salty for two
    reasons: First, it helps season
    both the pasta and the actual
    water, which we’ll get to later;
    and second, the salt actually
    helps prevent the pasta from
    getting slimy or overly
    starchy. Make sure to add at
    least one tablespoon of salt
    to every pot of pasta water
    just as it begins to boil; it’s
    the most important step in
    cooking pasta.

  3. Don’t wash off cooked
    pasta. Once you’ve cooked
    your pasta to a perfect al
    dente and drained it in a
    colander (remember, don’t
    throw away that pasta water),
    do not wash off the pasta
    under the faucet. When you
    do this, you wash off any

5 Steps to

Perfect Pasta

remaining starch, which will
help with your sauce, and
much of the salt that the
pasta absorbed from the
cooking process. Washing off
pasta essentially returns it to
a zero on the flavor scale.

  1. Save your pasta water.
    Many of us will simply drain
    our pasta into a colander and
    let the pasta water filter down
    into the drain of the kitchen
    sink. Please, don’t do this.
    Instead, place the colander
    over another pot so that the
    cooking liquid is saved. You
    can also simply use your
    tongs to remove your pasta
    from the cooking water as
    well. This pasta water is well-
    seasoned and full of starch,
    two things that make it super
    useful in finishing your sauce
    for the pasta.

  2. Finish cooking the pasta
    in the sauce. The reason
    every pasta recipe instructs
    you to cook the pasta al dente
    is so that you finish cooking
    the pasta in the sauce itself.
    This allows the pasta to
    absorb some of the sauce
    without overcooking the
    pasta. Every pasta sauce is
    designed to mix with the
    pasta itself rather than just
    acting as a topping. Bring
    your pasta and sauce
    together with a hit of pasta
    water, and you’ll never return
    to your old, “I’m just going to
    assemble my pasta once
    everything is done cooking
    separately” ways again.

Whether it’s overcooking, undercooking, or not
seasoning it correctly, even the best cooks err
occasionally in their pursuit of perfect pasta. Here are
five tips for making sure you get it right every time.


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