400 | Nature | Vol 586 | 15 October 2020
of different cratons^35 ,^36. Ages of these deep-seated events usually (but
not always) correspond to the ages of thermal/tectonic events in the
overlying crust, suggesting linkages between crust and mantle of cra-
tons^36. In the case of subduction-induced viscous underplating, the
overlying older lithospheric mantle could be linked with the crust,
whereas the protokeel should be somewhat younger than the crust.
Indeed some tectono-magmatic crustal reworking of pre-existing
continental crust could be expected at cratonic margins during the
arc-continent collision that terminates both oceanic subduction and
viscous underplating (Fig. 1d).
Mantle keels are of complex origin
This study presents a new geotectonic mechanism: viscous underplat-
ing and the thickening of cratonic lithosphere, related to early plate
tectonics. This mechanism requires greatly elevated mantle potential
temperatures (≥1,500 °C, Fig. 4a) and has a very different physical origin
to modern plate tectonics. The mechanism of viscous underplating of
depleted oceanic mantle beneath arrested protocratonic uppermost
mantle implies that many cratonic mantle keels would be stratified by
degree of depletion, and this feature could be a direct consequence of
the onset of Archaean subduction and plate tectonics at about 3.5–3.0 Ga
(ref.^37 ) (Fig. 4 ). Major parts of these keels were formed in proximity to
palaeosubduction zones and thus they are of rather foreign and distant
origin relative to the continental crust of the cratons. However, this
mechanism does not obliterate the record preserved in pre-existing
subcontinental lithospheric mantle, which also contributes to the for-
mation of the keel (Fig. 1c). Furthermore, the laterally emplaced ‘new’
depleted material would contribute to the stability and preservation
of the overlying continental crust (a ‘life-raft’ model^13 ). Mantle keels
thus may be of complex origin, built up at different times and through
different processes (for example, see refs.^21 ,^38 ,^39 ). It seems that the two
last stages of mantle keel evolution—viscous underplating during sub-
duction, followed by conductive cooling (Fig. 5b, c)—are becoming
clearer, whereas the earlier stages (Fig. 5a)—related to the formation
of continental crust and its uppermost mantle—remain unknown and
Online content
Any methods, additional references, Nature Research reporting sum-
maries, source data, extended data, supplementary information,
acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author con-
tributions and competing interests; and statements of data and code
availability are available at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2806-7.
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protokeel stage
Lithosphere and
depleted asthenosphere
Mantle transition
zone Stagnant slabs
a Continent Oceanic crust
Viscous underplate source mantle
Diamondiferous area
Lithosphere and
depleted asthenosphere
Viscous underplate
source mantle
Fig. 5 | A dynamic model of cratonic keel formation. a, Beginning of plate
tectonics. Early stage of subduction of the oceanic plate with highly depleted
mantle (both lithospheric and asthenospheric). b, Protokeel formation caused
by viscous f low under the continent of depleted mantle originally related to the
oceanic plate. The lower part of the protokeel is formed by diapirs originating
from hydrated stagnant slabs in the mantle transition zone. c, Culmination of
the compositionally stratified mantle keel formation by conductive cooling of
the protokeel structure during secular cooling of the Earth.