Nature - USA (2020-10-15)

(Antfer) #1

Extended Data Fig. 7 | Comparison of selectivity f ilters and selectivity f ilter
gates in TASK2 and other K+ channels. a–n, Two opposing selectivity filter
regions and positions of bound K+ ions from structures of the channels
indicated: open TASK2 SF1 (a), closed TASK2 SF1 (b), overlaid open and closed
TASK2 SF1s (c), open TASK2 SF2 (d), closed TASK2 SF2 (e), overlaid open and

closed TASK2 SF2s (f), open Kv1.1-2.1 (g), inactivated Kv1.1-2.1 mutant
V406W (h), overlaid open and inactivated Kv1.1-2.1 mutant V406W (i), overlaid
inactivated Kv1.1-2.1 and closed TASK2 SF1 (j), open KcsA (k), low K+ inactivated
KcsA (l), overlaid open and inactivated KcsA (m), and overlaid inactivated KcsA
and closed TASK2 SF1 (n).
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