Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1

What COVID trends do you
see remaining?
Remote workers, companies staying
leaner and supply chain evolution.

What makes Talley different?
We have a focused approach on
customer types. We understand a
specific number of solutions, operate
with profitability in mind, and that
streamlines our decision tree.
Removing that ‘noise’ is key to what
we’re trying to accomplish.

Where do you see the business
going in the next 12-18 months?
Crossing my fingers, our business is
going to be busy. With the effort to
reduce costs, IoT is going to be more
important, small cells are going to be
deployed in mass, macro sites will
still be built, and fiber plants to
support things at or near the edge
will be needed across the board.

What are the top industry trends?
Faster bandwidth; fiber-optic usage
in back- mid- and front-haul; AI; and
the deployment of small cells.

Rhys Fernandez,
Director of 5G Applications, Talley Inc.

“ As a distributor, we’re like the home
depots of the wireless application world”



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