Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1

Mex Martinot,
Vice President and Head of Asia,
Industrial Cyber and Digital Security

“ COVID has brought a
unique set of changes
into the environment, and
people might be cutting
corners due to the current
circumstances. Attackers
understand that people
are working from home
and connecting internally
and see it as low hanging
fruit, so it’s important to
be aware of that”

which pre-date the internet era. These
often use proprietary network proto-
cols, and lack basic security controls
like authentication or encryption. They
also don’t have event logs or audit
trails. As a result, incident detection
and response in an OT environment
is very different than in an IT environ-
ment. Both the IT and OT environments
must converge to address the security
threats on both sides of the network.”
Bussiere adds that 2021 will be the
era of widespread IT and OT conver-
gence — whether that be intentional
or accidental. Unfortunately, many
organisations will likely learn the hard
way that their OT is no longer air-
gapped as cybercriminals continue to



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