Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
“This alignment in Asia is somewhat
recent. It’s important to expand
that knowledge base of Siemens
Energy strategy and vice versa to
get a closer mutual message. From
a solutions perspective, it would be
to adopt further and gain deeper
insight into how Tenable’s
technology is provided

and get a closer collaboration on
the R&D to get a more integrated
offering to our clients for a quicker
turnaround to get to that ultimate
outcome for our clients.”

Mex Martinot,
Vice President and Head of
Asia, Industrial Cyber and
Digital Security


search for attack vectors. When IT and
OT converge, breaches in IT can serve
as a conduit to compromising sensi-
tive OT environments and vice versa,
paving the way for more cyber threats.
What’s driving these digital threats
against critical energy infrastructure?
COVID is a visible example but cer-
tainly not the only force: It’s driven
nearly entire workforces that had

operated physical assets on-site to
begin accessing them remotely. That’s
introduced countless digital entry
points for attackers to exploit.
“Threat actors are using this expo-
sure that they’re very well aware of to
execute targeted attacks that look
at these vulnerable points that are
now exposed, and then exploit them,”
Martinot says.

“Innovation is the key to success
in any technology business.
Don’t stop innovating or
creating new things. I see closer
collaboration with Siemens

Energy moving forward.
We make each other better.”

Richard Bussiere,
Technical Director, Tenable, APAC

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