Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
“ Customers come to
us for a perspective
that is going to help
them build their
company. We
challenge and help
them deliver, using
best practice all the
way through”

early on, and this dedication encom-
passes an ethos of specialisation.
Not content to be a “jack of all trades”,
Notter insists that it chooses to do one
thing exceptionally and with authority,
“Customers come to us for a perspec-
tive that is going to help them build
their company. We challenge and help
them deliver, using best practice all
the way through.” ServiceMax’s mission
statement - ‘We help our customers
keep the world running’ - is more than
just words, particularly as an increasing
number of their clients have a role to
play in the cold supply chain delivering
COVID-19 vaccines; it is an enabler of
superlative service that maintains the
vitally important work of its customers.
Achieving this end, in Notter’s view,
is contingent on encouraging ‘asset
centricity’, a cultural shift that favours
consulting asset-based data with
greater diligence. In today’s environ-
ment, companies across all industries
are rethinking their approach to service.
Requirements for equipment perfor-
mance have intensified, the pandemic
has put more focus on outcomes,
and customer expectations continue
to rise. Organisations must advance

Kieran Notter,
VP of Global Customer

(^272) Transformation, ServiceMax

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