Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1

Get ahead

of runaway complexity

with a single pane of glass

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Gaining visibility and performance metrics
of all your applications is mission critical, but is not an

easy task. Discover how organisations are using Visibility

and Performance Management to manage complexity
and deliver flawless digital experiences.

of automation, wherein cloud, IoT
(internet of things) and AI (artificial
intelligence) software combine to
produce efficient and self-optimising
operating systems, Industry 4.0
could change the face of enterprise
IT. Indeed, technology priorities have
changed within 95% of organizations
during the pandemic, according to
‘The Agents of Transformation Report
2020: COVID-19 Special Edition’ by
AppDynamics. And the importance
of high-quality applications has
never been more apparent. “There is
practically no business in the world




Revenue in
US dollars (Globally)

Year founded

Number of

that will not have some form of digital
technology involved in it. When we
talk about IoT, it means that you need
to have a secure platform for building
those capabilities, and this is where
NTT’s expertise lies.” The company’s
emphasis on shifting away from hard-
ware to software reflects an industry
macro trend that favours cloud compute
and storage over owning physical data
centre equipment. Green calls cloud a
“key part” of facilitating Industry 4.0 but
clarifies that it is not without challenges:
“Historically, you would have your appli-
cations in your own secure data centre.
You’d control what went in and out of it
and have a big firewall to protect it.
However, fast-forward to where we are
now and very little is on-premises.”
Organizations’ appetite for auto-
mation and intelligence software, to
answer to the needs of the consumer,
has been whetted by the pandemic,
and this has not gone unnoticed by
NTT. “We’re seeing an increase in
SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) usage,
too,” Green states. “This has mainly
been driven by the need for people
to work remotely from home. Take
NTT Ltd., for example: we have about

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