Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
to be improved? Our clients are able
to understand what’s working and
what isn’t across their entire applica-
tion landscape”.
The events of 2020, although pro-
foundly disruptive for business all
over the world, have not altered NTT’s
digital strategy for 2021 and beyond,
on the contrary, it accelerated the
company’s plans. Addressing the new
security issues of remote working,
NTT has, for example, begun operating
with an ‘always on’ VPN, something
initially scheduled for 2021, but which
has been necessarily brought forward.
“The other things we are really focus-
ing on is the rationalisation of our
applications monitoring tools. These
tools need to be seamlessly deployed
and fully integrated to improve observ-
ability of the application landscape,
ensuring we can glean valuable
insights into how the applications
perform, allowing the business and
IT operations to make intelligent deci-
sions.” By doing so, NTT not only gains
greater visibility and management
over its applications, but can also
create trust with its clients and share
first-hand experience.

customer drop-offs during a transac-
tion? What’s the reason for that; is the
application not performing correctly?
Does the customer experience need

Andy Green,
Senior Director Software GTM, NTT Ltd.

“ For me, it’s absolutely
integral that all applications
are performing optimally
[...] Our clients are able to
understand what’s working
and what isn’t”



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