Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
the technology to create operational
efficiencies and reducing external
spend on Outsourcing. “Being an early
adopter of any technology comes with
its challenges, but also provides an
opportunity to tread new ground, and
innovate in the Enterprise. Butterfield is
Global Head of Intelligent Automation
Solutions at pure play automation firm
ISG Automation. “We assist clients big
and small on their automation journeys,
usually starting with RPA, but not stop-
ping there. Differentiated performance
does need more than just technology,
so we specialise in the people and

process side too. Hyper automation
technologies allow companies to scale
in size, while keeping their people costs
under control, as Butterfield explains.
“With automation, you’re looking to
reduce costs, increase throughput
and grow revenue, this trifecta is why
Automation is valued so highly. Back in
the day, RPA was called operational
agility software - but now RPA is a
globally accepted term,” he says.
Such technologies also allow
companies to scale in size, while keep-
ing the same number of people, as
Butterfield explains. “With automation,

Wayne Butterfield,
Global Head of Intelligent
Automation Solutions, ISG-One

“We offer many brilliant
things in the workforce
as human beings, but
one of the things we
don’t offer is robotic



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