Microsoft Word - Sam's Teach Yourself MySQL in 21 Days - SAMS.doc

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databases come in all shapes and sizes. Because of this fact, the database industry has grown as
fast and as large as the rest of the computer industry.

Until recently, most high-powered databases cost an arm and a leg. They could provide all the
tools and functionality to run a business but at a very high price. So most companies would use a
database that was cheaper and sacrifice functionality.

Additionally, the Internet has spawned a new need for databases that can be accessed via the
Web. This need has led software manufacturers to create products that can take advantage of this
technology. Again, price plays a large role. These products are generally very expensive and very
platform-dependant, so not all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or small companies can take
advantage of this technology.

Enter the Linux and Open Source revolution. This cutting-edge idea—to have an operating system
and the source code available free of charge—changed the way the industry looked at how it did
business. Now that the revolution has finally taken a foothold, people are flocking in masses to see
how they can use this newly affordable solution.

MySQL is part of that solution. MySQL was developed by TcX in 1996. They created it because
they needed a relational database that could handle large amounts of data on relatively cheap
hardware. Nothing out there could provide what they needed, so they created it themselves.

MySQL is the fastest relational database on the market. It outperforms all the leading databases in
almost every category. It has almost all the functionality the leading databases have, but it does not
carry the hefty price tag that its competitors do. This may seem like a lot of hype and marketing
talk, but, after a little time working with MySQL, you will agree.

If MySQL is so good, why hasn't it already caught the attention of the industry? The answer is that
until 1999, Linux and the Open Source movement were practically unknown. MySQL runs primarily
on UNIX-based systems—though there are ports for almost every platform on the market. Until the
Open Source movement and the availability of UNIX-based operating systems at affordable prices,
no one really looked at MySQL as a contender.
Because of the recent success of Linux, MySQL has grown in popularity. Unfortunately, there is not
much out there in the form of documentation. That is where Sams Teach Yourself MySQL in 21
Days comes in. You'll be introduced to the various components of MySQL, such as installation,
administration, and interfacing.

By the time you are finished, you will be well acquainted with these topics as well as others. You
will understand why MySQL is one of the best RDBMS available to date.
How This Book Is Organized

This book covers the MySQL relational database management system in 21 days, broken into
three separate weeks. Each week covers a different area of MySQL and builds on information
learned on previous days.
In the first week, you will learn some of the basics of MySQL components:
ƒ Day 1, "What is MySQL," is the introduction to MySQL—what it is and how it compares
to other RDBMs in its class. You will learn about the various components of a
database awill be introduced to relational databases.
ƒ On Day 2, "Getting Started," you will learn how to install MySQL on a Linux platform as
well as a Windows platform.
ƒ Day 3, "Designing Your First Database," covers the basics of how to design a
database. You will design the sample database that will be used throughout the rest of
the book as an example.
ƒ On Day 4, "Creating Your First Database," you will create your first MySQL database.
You will learn the commands that accomplish this as well as some neat MySQL
ƒ Day 5, "Making Your Data Normal," covers the topic of normalization—a very important
subject when dealing with relational databases.
ƒ On Day 6, "Adding Tables, Columns, and Indexes to Your Database," you'll beef up
your database by learning how to add tables, columns, and indexes, which give
structure to your design.
ƒ Day 7, "MySQL Data Types," deals with the various data types that MySQL uses.

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