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Each heading you’ve placed on your page marks the beginning of a particular section.
You’ll add IDs to each of the topic headings so that you can jump from section to section
with ease. The IDs are simple: top for the main heading; contents for the table of con-
tents; and about, recent, and upcoming for the three subsections on the page. With the
IDs in place, the revised code looks like the following:

Input ▼

<!DOCTYPE html>

The Bookworm Bookshop</t itle><br /> </head><br /> <body><br /> <h1 id="top">The Bookworm: A Better Book Store</h1><br /> <h2 id="contents">Contents</h2><br /> <h2 id="about">About the Bookworm Bookshop</h2><br /> <h2 id="recent">Recent Titles (as of July 11, 2012)</h2><br /> <h2 id="upcoming">Upcoming Events</h2><br /> </body><br /> </html><br /> <p>Adding Content Now begin adding the content. You’re undertaking a literary<br /> endeavor, so starting the page with a nice quote about old books would be a nice touch.<br /> Because you’re adding a quote, you can use the <blockquote> tag to make it stand out as<br /> such. Also, the name of the poem is a citation, so use <cite> there, too.</p><br /> <p>Insert the following code on the line after the level 1 he ading:</p><br /> <p>Input ▼</p><br /> <blockquote><br /> "Old books are best---how tale and rhyme<br><br /> Float with us down the stream of time!"<br><br /> -- Clarence Urmy, <cite>Old Songs are Best</cite><br /> </blockquote><br /> <p>Immediately following the quote, add the address for the bookstore. Since it contains<br /> contact information, it’s appropriate to use the <address> tag, as fo llows:</p><br /> <p>Input ▼</p><br /> <address style="font-style: normal;">The Bookworm Bookshop<br /><br /> 1345 Applewood Dr<br /><br /> Springfield, CA 94325<br /><br /> (415) 555-0034<br /> </address ><br /> <pre><code>▼</code></pre><br /> <pre><code>▼</code></pre> </div> <meta itemprop='headline' content="p 170: ptg16476052 Fonts and Font Sizes 145 7 Each heading you’ve placed on your page marks the beginning of a particular section. 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