Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

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146 LESSON 7: Formatting Text with HTML and CSS

Adding the Table of Contents The page you’re creating will require a lot of scroll-
ing to get from the top to the bottom. One nice enhancement is to add a small table of
contents at the beginning of the page, listing the sections in a bulleted list. If a reader
clicks one of the links in the table of contents, he’ll automatically jump to the section
that’s of most interest to him. Because you’ve added the IDs already, it’s easy to see
where the links will take you.
You already have the heading for the table of contents. You just need to add the bulleted
list and then create the links to the other sections on the page. The code looks like the fol-

Input ▼
<h2 id="contents">Contents</h2>
<li><a href="#about">About the Bookworm Bookshop</a></li>
<li><a href="#recent">Recent Titles</a></li>
<li><a href="#upcoming">Upcoming Events</a></li>

Figure 7.12 shows an example of the introductory portion of the Bookworm Bookshop
page as it appears in a browser.

Output ▼

The top section
of the Bookworm
Bookshop page.

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