Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

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148 LESSON 7: Formatting Text with HTML and CSS

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Creating the Recent Titles Section The Recent Titles section itself is a classic
link menu, as I described earlier in this section. Here you can put the list of titles in an
unordered list, with the titles themselves as citations, by using the <cite> tag. End the
section with another horizontal rule.
After the Recent Titles heading (shown in the first line in t he following example), enter
the following code:
<h2 id="recent">Recent Titles (as of July 11, 2012)</h2>
<li>Sandra Bellweather, <cite>Belladonna</cite></li>
<li>Jonathan Tin, <cite>20-Minute Meals for One</cite></li>
<li>Maxwell Burgess, <cite>Legion of Thunder</cite></li>
<li>Alison Caine, <cite>Banquo's Ghost</cite></li>

Now add the anchor tags to create the links. How far should the link extend? Should it
include the whole line (author and title) or just the title of the book? This decision is a
matter of preference, but remember that people viewing your page on mobile devices
need longer links to be able to tap them with their fingers. Here, I linked only the titles of
the books. At the same time, I also added links to the table of con tents and the top of the

The About the
Bookshop section.

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