Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

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Last Updated: July 11, 2012<br>
Webmaster: Laura Lemay
<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br>
© copyright 2012 the Bookworm<br>

Now you have some headings, some text, some topics, and some links, which form the
basis for an excellent web page. With most of the content in place, now you need to con-
sider what other links you might want to create or what other features you might want to
add to this page.

For example, the introductory section has a note about the four cats owned by the book-
store. Although you didn’t plan for them in the original organization, you could easily
create web pages describing each cat (and showing pictures) and then link them back to
this page, one link (and one page) per cat.

Is describing the cats important? As the designer of the page, that’s up to you to decide.
You could link all kinds of things from this page if you have interesting reasons to link
them (and something to link to). Link the bookstore’s address to an online mapping ser-
vice so that people can get driving directions. Link the quote to an online encyclopedia of
quotes. Link the note about free coffee to the Coffee home page.

My reason for bringing up this point here is that after you have some content in place on
your web pages, there might be opportunities for extending the pages and linking to other
places that you didn’t think of when you created your original plan. So, when you’re just
about finished with a page, stop and review what you have, both in the plan and on your
web page.

For the purposes of this example, stop here and stick with the links you have. You’re
close enough to being done, and I don’t want to make this lesson any longer than it
already is!

Testing the Result Now that all the code is in place, you can preview the results in
a browser. Figures 7.12 through 7.15 show how it looks in a browser. Actually, these fig-
ures show what the page looks like after you fix the spelling errors, the forgotten closing
tags, and all the other strange bugs that always seem to creep into an HTML file the first
time you create it. These problems always seem to happen no matter how good you are

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