Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

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154 LESSON 7: Formatting Text with HTML and CSS

at creating web pages. If you use an HTML editor or some other help tool, your job will
be easier, but you’ll always seem to find mistakes. That’s what previewing is for—so you
can catch the problems before you actually make the document available to other people.
Plus, the more browsers that you view your pages in, the fewer problems your customers
will see.


Tags, tags, and more tags! In this lesson, you learned about most of the remaining tags
in the HTML language for presenting text, and quite a few of the tags for additional text
formatting and presentation. You also put together a real-life HTML home page. You
could stop now and create quite presentable web pages, but more cool stuff is to come.
So, don’t put down the book yet.
Table 7.2 presents a quick summary of all the tags and attributes you’ve learned about in
this lesson. Table 7.3 summarizes the CSS properties that have been described in this les-

TABLE 7.2 HTML Tags from Lesson 7
Tag Attribute Use
<address>...</address> A signature for each web page; typically
occurs near the bottom of each document
and contains contact or copyright informa-
<b>...</b> Bold text.
<blockquote>...</blockquote> A quotation longer than a few words.
cite The URL that was the source for the quota-
<cite>...</cite> A citation.
<code>...</code> A code sample.
<dfn>...</dfn> A definition , or a term about to be defined.
<em>...</em> Emphasized text.
<i>...</i> Italic text.
<kbd>...</kbd> Text to be typed in by the user.
<pre>...</pre> Preformatted text; all spaces, tabs, and
returns are retained. Text is printed in a
monospaced font.

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