Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

(singke) #1

Summary 155


Tag Attribute Use

... An inline quotation.

cite The URL that was the source for the quota-

... Sample text.

... Text in a smaller font than the text around it.

... Strongly emphasized text.

... Subscript text.

... Superscript text.

... Underlined text.

... A variable name.

... A generic tag used to apply styles to a par-
ticular bit of text.

A horizontal rule line at the given position
in the text. There’s no closing tag in HTML
; for XHTML, add a space and for-
ward slash ( /) at the end of the tag and
its attributes (for example,
width="75%" />).
size The thickness of the rule, in pixels.
(Obsolete in HTML5.)
width The width of the rule, either in exact pixels
or as a percentage of page width (for exam-
ple, 50%). (Obsolete in HTML5.)
align The alignment of the rule on the page.
Possible values are left, right, and cen-
ter. (Obsolete in HTML5.)
noshade Displays the rule without three-dimensional
shading. (Obsolete in HTML5.)

A line break; starts the next character on the
next line but doesn’t create a new paragraph
or list item. There’s no closing tag in HTML
; for XHTML, add a space and for-
ward slash ( /) at the end of the tag and its
attributes (for example, <br clear="left"

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