More Selectors 189
width: 33%; }
#second { clear: right; }
.bottom { clear: both; }
The additional
styles of the cla ss right and the styl e rule associated with the ID second. The result is in
Figure 8.19.
Output ▼
More Selectors
A number of other CSS selectors provide even more fine-grained control over which ele- FIGURE 8.19
ments on the page have styles applied to them. You can always group elements in an arbi-
trary fashion using classes, identify single elements using IDs, and add and
elements to the page to provide structure to which styles can be applied. These additional
selectors make it easier to apply styles to very specific items on a page without altering the
structure of the page itself. The only catch is that some of these selectors are incompatible
with old browsers, especially versions of Internet Explorer prior to version 8.
Two floating ele-
ments that are
aligned vertically.