Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

(singke) #1


9 Using Images on Your Web Pages

Web Pages

Few things can do more to make a web page more interesting than a
strategically placed image or an attractive color scheme. Effective use of
images and color is one of the key things that separates professionally
designed sites from those designed by novices. The process of selecting
images, resizing them and saving them in the proper format, and integrat-
ing them into a page can be intimidating, but this lesson will explain how
it’s done.
This lesson covers the following topics:
n The kinds of images you can use in web pages
n How to include images on your web page, either alone or along-
side text
n How to use images in links
n How to set up and assign links to regions of images using client-
side imagemaps
n How to provide alternatives for browsers that can’t view images
n How to use images as backgrounds for page elements
n How and when to use images on your web pages
n A few tips on image etiquette
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